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Vocational Rehabilitation


Resuming Work After a Serious Accident

The importance of productive work to a person’s esteem and sense of worth is understood by the lawyers dealing with personal injury at Hauer and Company.  We have experience with clients who have had to contend with their ability to return to a successful career or even to find acceptable alternative work after serious accidents.


At the outset make sure that all of your injuries are properly diagnosed, evaluated, and treated. Some injuries are not properly diagnosed or even noticed during treatment by emergency services. We help our clients access all the medical and therapeutic resources necessary to promote a full recovery, regardless of how or when symptoms arise.


For serious injuries including brain injury or spinal cord injury where the likelihood of a long-term or permanent disability arises, we will work with clients and their insurance companies to secure the benefits needed to support a lengthy recovery.  This may include also obtaining additional education, skills assessments, job retraining and other elements that would be important towards a complete vocational rehabilitation.


Hauer and Company lawyers are experts in understanding the physical and vocational restoration of our clients that contribute to mazimizing the dollar amount of compensation claims.   Contact us for a free consultation to learn how we are committed to helping you with the many vocational aspects part of serious injury recovery.


Kamloops Workplace Injury Lawyers


We will strive to obtain disability benefits under insurance if it is asserted a client is able to return to work.  It may happen that an insurer will deny reasonable claims, freezing or terminating benefits when they believe they have paid a certain amount.  The lawyers at Hauer and Company will not rush the process of returning our clients to their work or to advise a return to work before they are able.


Contact Hauer and Company for a free consultation for more information about our ability to provide clients a complete vocational rehabilitation.

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